What Drives You?

BARKER examines luxury car sales and the Millennial luxury car buyer. Tips on ways to reach affluent Millennials and drive them to auto financial representatives are highlighted in the report.

Parx Casino: What a Night by BARKER

New York-based indie advertising agency BARKER has launched a new campaign repositioning Parx Casino as a large-scale entertainment destination serving Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. The ‘What A Night’ campaign, launching in TV, outdoor, print, and digital, unveils the casino’s $50m expansion, including two new restaurants and a live performance venue, ‘Xcite Center.’

The 10 Best Ads of 2017

“This late in the year, it’s easy to forget the impact of ads that ran in February, but 84 Lumber’s Super Bowl film is one of the most powerful, courageous ads in memory,” said John Barker, Founder and Chief Idea Officer at BARKER.